External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Saturday said no other country “practices terrorism” the way Pakistan does. Speaking at an event titled “Rising India and the World: Foreign Policy in Modi Era,” in Vadodra, Gujarat, Jaishankar said that the diplomacy of Narendra Modi administration caused other nations to take the threat of terrorism seriously.
“No other country practices terrorism in the manner in which Pakistan has done. You show me anywhere in the world what Pakistan has done for so many years against India. After the 26/11 Mumbai attack, it is important for us to be clear to ourselves that this kind of behaviour and action is unacceptable and there will be consequences,” Jaishankar made this statement during a post-talk Q&A session with the audience, reported PTI.
The minister quipped that while India is renowned as an “expert in IT” (Information Technology), the neighbouring nation is known as an “expert in International Terrorism”.
India has successfully persuaded other nations that terrorism must be curbed if it is not already, thanks to the leadership of Prime Minister Modi, Jaishankar further stated.
“We are fairly successful in taking along the world in this fight against terrorism. Earlier, other countries used to ignore this issue thinking it would not affect them because it was happening somewhere else. Today, there is pressure on those who support terrorism. This is an example of our diplomacy,” EAM noted.
According to him, India’s strategic alliance with Bangladesh has reduced terrorist activity in the North East.
“Thanks to that land border agreement with Bangladesh, militants failed to get any shelter there. This stopped them from carrying out their operations in the North East,” he explained.
When asked how the Modi administration will fulfill Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel’s vision of an “undivided India.” Jaishankar responded that Partition was a great tragedy that led to issues like terrorism.
The minister stated, “the greatest way to realise Sardar Patel’s ideal is for India to be strong, successful, and confident, and for other people to understand that they must accept this India and discontinue policies that are not in their best interests and are detrimental to the entire region.
The minister made an apparent reference to Modi when he added, “And I think if there is one leader who is realising the dreams, who has the thought process of Sardar Patel, who is realising the vision of Sardar Patel, who has that boldness, conviction, and habits, you know who that is.”