Dr V Anantha Nageswaran has been appointed as the chief economic advisor after former CEA Krishnamurthy Subramanian returned to academia completing his three-year term. Dr Nageswaran has taken the charge on Friday. He has worked as a writer, author, teacher and consultant. He has taught at several business schools and institutes of management in India and in Singapore.
Dr Nageswaran has worked as a writer, author, teacher and consultant. He has taught at several business schools and institutes of management in India and in Singapore and has authored many books.
The prestigious post of the chief economic advisor had also been held by former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and former central bank governor Raghuram Rajan. Every year, the chief economic advisor presents the economic survey which is presented by the finance minister in Parliament just before the Union Budget. It is an annual document of the ministry.
From 2019 to 2021, Dr Nageswaran remained a part-time visiting member of the economic advisory council to the Prime Minister of India. A post-graduate of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Nageswaran completed his doctorate from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst.
He was the Dean of the IFMR Graduate School of Business and a distinguished Visiting Professor of Economics at Krea University.
He served as an executive with Credit Suisse Group AG and Julius Baer Group.
Dr Nageswaran recently wrote about the need to open educational institutions as he argued that the cost of schools remaining closed is exceeding the gains of Covid safety.
In 2021, Krishnamurthy Subramanian completed his three-year tenure and said he decided to return to academia. He took charge as the CEA in 2018 after his predecessor Arvind Subramanian stepped down.