Grand Strategy | India and the ‘crumbling international order’

Despite limited representation in major international institutions such as the IMF, India’s contributions to global governance are significant

Going by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s global engagement after being sworn in for the third term, it is clear that the Modi government’s ambitious foreign policy agenda will continue. Considering India’s sustained global engagement coincides with concerns about the growing instability in the international order, there will be a great deal of focus and interest in India’s approach to the unstable international order, and global governance in general. Beyond the G20 summit, does New Delhi deliver when it comes to global governance? What kind of a world order does India want? What is India’s view on the current order and its institutions?

The focus on and questions posed to India are understandable given its rising status in the international system and its desire to emerge as a pole in a multipolar world.(Pixabay)

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