JEE Advanced 2024 is just round the corner. Check 14 days preparation guide here.

The race for JEE Advanced 2024 has begun and the students who have qualified JEE Main are pedaling up to achieve their desired rank to secure a seat in their targeted IIT with the desired stream. The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) is scheduled on May 26 across the country, conducted by IIT Madras.
The JEE Advanced is one of the toughest exams conducted in the country. Every year, lacs of candidates appear in the exam, and only a small portion of that can indeed fulfill their dream of studying at IIT. But, with appropriate hard work coupled with proper planning and strategy, it is possible to achieve success in this exam.
Also, the right teaching and guidance are needed to ace the exam.
As only fifteen days are left, it is high time to accelerate the preparation with proper strategy and mental stability. Following are some vital points to propel the preparation which will be beneficial for the students in this critical time:
1. Mental confidence and calmness: Everything starts with the mind. First, the students must have self-belief that the preparation so far has been good and he/she will secure the desired rank in the exam. Mental stability or calmness is equally important as well. A mentally disturbed person cannot concentrate or do something productive.
2. Self-assessment & planning: Then it is important to analyze their preparation and identify their strengths and weaknesses. You should make a list of the weaker sections in each subject and dedicate special time to improving the areas.
3. Refinement and Revision: During this time, students should not start any new topic, instead you should revise the read topics repeatedly so that you do not miss any questions asked from the read topics. It will be better to revise from the short notes made by themselves.
4. Rigorous Evaluation and Practice: Students should practice a maximum number of mock tests and previous years ; questions (PYQs), analyze your own mistakes, and read the solutions carefully. If there is any doubt, you should clarify them from their coaching or teachers.
5. Speed and Accuracy: Along with solving mock tests and PYQs, you should also focus on improving speed and accuracy. You should attempt the mocktests within the time frame of the JEE Advanced exam and use tricks to solve them faster and with accuracy. If accuracy is less, you will lose numbers due to negative marking and if speed is less, you will not be able to attempt many
questions in the exam.
6. Frequent Breaks: Students should not sit for prolonged study hours, instead you should divide their schedule with short intervals in between for mental relaxation. During the breaks, you should take some walks, listen to music, eat something, or talk to their family or friends. Sufficient sleep is also necessary for good health and better preparation.
7. Authentic Answers from Experts: Students should rely on authentic study materials specially made for JEE Advanced and consult with the expert teachers in case of any doubt or confusion and seek their guidance and support. It will surely help them to improve their problem-solving skills and
gain valuable insights into solving complex questions effectively. You should also consult their teachers regarding steps to arrive at the correct answers.
8. Balanced Approach: During this time, a little bit of exam pressure is obvious, but students should not be nervous or hopeless. You should maintain their mental balance during this time. It is important to maintain their temperament, and a balanced mindset and not to overthink the exam. A little refreshment or recreation is also needed, which may include talking to family and friends, listening to music, watching some videos, eating food etc. Practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation, exercise, or yoga to stay calm and focused during the exam will help them to avoid mistakes.
9. Fine-tuning and Mental Preparation: The students should motivate themselves during this time. And the best motivation can come from the best preparation. You should have belief in themselves and their preparation. You should stop studying one or two days before the exam and stay excited for the exam.
10. The Day Before the Exam: On the previous day before the exam, you should prepare physically and mentally for the exam. On that day, you should keep their admit card, ID proof, pen, photo, and other necessary things ready for the exam. You should read the instructions carefully and track the exam center to plan accordingly. If possible, you should visit the exam center once to know about the route, traffic, and facilities. On that day, you should make sure to sleep early so that you can get up early on the exam day.
11. On the Exam Day: On the exam day, you should stay calm and focused. You should get up early, freshen up, have food, and take all the necessary items for the exam. You should leave for the center much earlier, to reach the center on the reporting time, taking care of the traffic on the road and any other uncertainty. After that you should cooperate with the staff there for frisking and verification. You should sit in the exam hall with a calm attitude and read the questions first and start answering with the questions you are sure about. And in the next round, you should solve the questions with doubts.